Dr. Trupti Shirole's Profile


Dr. Trupti Shirole

Dr. Trupti is an Ayurvedic physician experienced in managing various chronic and lifestyle disorders. She is an avid blogger in current medical trends along with focus on wellness and preventive care.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Early School Timings Can Add Stress on Learning and Health of Students

Early School Timings Can Add Stress on Learning and Health of Students

Shifting the school start time later in the morning resulted in a boost in attendance, test scores, and grades in math, English, science, and social studies.

Health In Focus
 Do Blood Cancer Patients Die Where They Wish To?

Do Blood Cancer Patients Die Where They Wish To?

Many patients with hematological malignancies discuss about their preferred place of death, and do die in their preferred place.

Health In Focus
Scientists Drive Tiny Shock Waves Through Diamond

Scientists Drive Tiny Shock Waves Through Diamond

The findings open up new possibilities for exploring complex physics involved in massive star explosions, which are crucial for understanding fusion energy.

Health In Focus
Treatment of Eye Diseases With Blood Products

Treatment of Eye Diseases With Blood Products

Topical therapy with blood-derived products can be used for the management of ocular surface disorders that are resistant to conventional medical treatment.

Health In Focus
Dermatologic Features of ADA2 Deficiency in Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa

Dermatologic Features of ADA2 Deficiency in Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa

Mutations in the CERC1 gene associated with deficiency of ADA2 protein have been implicated in the pathogenesis of cPAN and early-onset vasculopathy.

Health In Focus