Hemalatha Manikandan's Profile


Hemalatha Manikandan

Hemalatha Manikandan, Physician Assistant graduated from BITS Pilani, has extensive medical experience more than a decade specialising in Medical devices.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Graphene: The Human-Safe ‘Wonder Material’

Graphene: The Human-Safe ‘Wonder Material’

Discover the safety of inhaling ultra-pure graphene oxide, with no significant short-term health risks for human use.

Environmental Health
How Mangoes Can Boost Pregnancy Nutrition?

How Mangoes Can Boost Pregnancy Nutrition?

Discover how incorporating mangoes into the diet of women of childbearing age significantly enhances nutrient intake and overall diet quality.

Lifestyle and Wellness
How Parenting Styles Can Curb ADHD Risks in Kids?

How Parenting Styles Can Curb ADHD Risks in Kids?

Discover how adaptive parenting techniques can influence the trajectory of ADHD symptoms in children with exuberant temperaments.

Child Health News
Cresomycin: A New Hope Against Multi-Resistant Bacteria

Cresomycin: A New Hope Against Multi-Resistant Bacteria

Discover Cresomycin, a breakthrough synthetic molecule showing strong efficacy against multi-drug-resistant bacteria.

Drug News
Chikungunya Aftermath: High Risk of Heart and Kidney Disease Mortality

Chikungunya Aftermath: High Risk of Heart and Kidney Disease Mortality

Chikungunya virus survivors face increased mortality risk due to heart and kidney complications long after initial infection, emphasizing the need for healthcare vigilance.

Health Watch