Maulishree Jhawer's Profile

Maulishree possesses substantial experience in the field of Diet and Nutrition. She has undergone training on the "Kaya life philosophy of diet planning". She has worked with Tarla Dalal and has contributed health articles in her magazine "Cooking and more" and has also done recipe research and view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Antioxidant Rich Spices
Antioxidant activities of spices are mainly attributed to the bioactive compounds present in them. The highly reactive phytochemicals are responsible for their protective effects.

Protein Power of Vegan Diet
A Vegan diet eaten over the course of a day can meet the human dietary protein requirements and provide all essential amino acids, ensure adequate nitrogen retention and use in healthy adults.

Answer to Healthy Living - "Panchakarma"
Panchakarma is a cleansing process that removes stored toxins and restores body's healing ability.

Weight Gain Shockers - Slideshow
While you are hitting the gym, keeping a check on food intake those troublesome kilos just refuse to leave the body. There are various unthought-of reasons behind not losing weight. Check it out!

Best Foods That Aid Digestion - Slideshow
Herbs and spices in our kitchen are the best age old digestive aids and have stomach-soothing properties. They have long been recognized for their digestive stimulant action.