Shirley Johanna's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil

Shirley Johanna

Shirley is passionate about teaching and writing. She conducts nutrition education program for children in an NGO. Her hobbies are cooking, gardening and photography.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

Diet and lifestyle play an important role in reducing the risk and delaying the onset of cancer. Incorporating and eliminating certain other foods may reduce the risk of acquiring colon cancer.

Health Benefits of Soybean

Health Benefits of Soybean

Soyabean is the richest plant source of protein containing 43 percent protein. Soy protein is also of the highest quality amongst all legumes.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Onion

Health Benefits of Onion

Onions make you cry but they provide an array of health benefits. Discover the advantages of eating onion and its nutrient profile and composition.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Persimmon Fruit

Health Benefits of Persimmon Fruit

Persimmon, a fibrous tropical fruit, is packed with nutrients and health-promoting compounds that aid in anti-aging and prevent various diseases and disorders.

Diet Articles
Healthy Comfort Foods

Healthy Comfort Foods

Comfort foods can be based on habits or the unfamiliar; convenience or exploration. Healthy makeover for comfort food helps to de-stress and to celebrate joy.

Diet Articles