Thilaka Ravi's Profile

M.A., M.Ed., M.Phil.

Thilaka Ravi

Reporter, Writer and Quality Control Overseer for Medindia. Also teaches at the Institute of Distance Education (IDE), University of Madras.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Blood Donation: Foods to Eat Before and After Donating Blood

Blood Donation: Foods to Eat Before and After Donating Blood

Donating blood is a life-saving act. Consider increasing your iron intake before and after you donate blood. Read the article to know what kind of foods and liquids you need to consume and avoid before and after donating blood.

Diet Articles
Bitter Gourd - Not that Bitter for Life

Bitter Gourd - Not that Bitter for Life

Bitter gourd has always been a neglected food among a large part of the population. We tend to forget that it has wonderful health benefits for people of all ages.

Diet Articles
Best Sports Supplements to Improve Athletes Performance

Best Sports Supplements to Improve Athletes Performance

Sports supplements are substances used to improve athletic performance. Read interesting information on sports foods, dietary supplements and ergogenic aids along with their benefits and side effects.

Diet Articles
Benefits of Sage Leaves

Benefits of Sage Leaves

Sage is a member of the mint family and has many healing properties. Sage leaves cure indigestion, gas, depression and menopausal problems, owing to the nutrients in them.

Diet Articles
11 Health Benefits of Safflower Oil

11 Health Benefits of Safflower Oil

Safflower oil is packed with health benefits for nearly every tissue and system of our body. Adding some safflower oil to your meals can make each meal heart-friendly.

Diet Articles