Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Adjusted Protein Rich Foods
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Tip 1 : Eat potatoes with the peel to get more nutrients like fiber, iron and potassium.
Tip 2 : Love cheesy mashed potatoes? Look for low-fat cheese blends or part-skim ricotta--to whip into your creation.
Tip 3 : Vegetable or bean soups go towards your daily vegetable target. Choose lower sodium versions.
Tip 4 : Cream, sour cream, and cream cheese are not included in the Dairy Group because they contain little or no calcium.
Tip 5 : Add your favorite seafood to a salad or make a seafood omelet.
Tip 6 : Make vegetables part of your lunch every day by eating veggie wraps, pizzas or sandwiches.
Tip 7 : Build some meals around plant-based protein sources, such as beans, lentils, tempeh, and tofu.
Tip 8 : Read the ingredients list on food packages. The whole grain should be the first or second ingredient, after water.
Tip 9 : Fruit yogurt can contain added sugars--try mixing fresh fruit into plain yogurt instead.
Tip 10 : Vary your veggies by including beans or peas in mixed dishes such as chili or minestrone soup.