Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Low Folate, food Foods
Tip 1 : Curries and other ethnic dishes pair small amounts of meat or chicken with vegetables and seasonings. Check for recipes online.
Tip 2 : Use your summer vegetables to make homemade salsa. Check online for recipes.
Tip 3 : On a long drive or shopping trip, pack cut-up vegetables in a baggie. Skip the impulse to buy less healthful snacks.
Tip 4 : Create some new seafood pasta dishes. Look on-line for easy recipes.
Tip 5 : Keep a bowl of cut-up veggies in a see-through container in the refrigerator so they are easier to spot.
Tip 6 : Enjoy eggs as your protein food choice--up to one a day, on average, doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels!
Tip 7 : Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts and peanuts are all protein foods. Use them in your meals or snacks.
Tip 8 : Whole grains are good for your health! Make at least half your grains whole to get the benefits.
Tip 9 : To get calcium at lunch, use low-fat cheese on your sandwich.
Tip 10 : Make a sweet potato casserole healthier by adding fruits and 100% fruit juice for sweetness instead of brown sugar and marshmallows.