Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Low Niacin Foods
Tip 1 : Check the Calories on dairy product labels. Choose the lower Calorie versions--those that are low-fat or fat-free, without added sugars.
Tip 2 : Dried fruit (raisins, dates, cranberries) and fresh fruit (chopped apples or pears) make a great combination. Add nuts for an extra crunch.
Tip 3 : Cut-up fresh or canned fruit (canned in juice or water) makes a great waffle topping--you can skip the syrup and whipped cream.
Tip 4 : For a quick supper, simmer boneless skinless chicken breasts in tomato sauce with veggies and Italian seasonings. Serve over pasta.
Tip 5 : Be food safe! Cook poultry to 165� F, and chopped or ground beef, lamb, veal, and pork to 160� F.
Tip 6 : Try a whole-grain pancake or waffle mix to start off your day. If made from scratch, use whole-wheat flour for half the flour.
Tip 7 : Fruit and plain low-fat yogurt go great together. Enjoy them for breakfast or as a snack.
Tip 8 : Vary your veggies. Try new vegetables and find recipes online. Why not try bok choy, artichokes, beets, or kale?
Tip 9 : Here�s a fun game to keep you focused on your veggies--how many red/orange vegetables can you name in 10 seconds? Eat one today!
Tip 10 : Make your own vegetarian burgers with cooked black beans, mushrooms, seasonings, and egg or oatmeal. Form into patties and pan grill.