Tip 1 : If you order cappuccinos or lattes--ask for them with fat-free (skim) milk.
Tip 2 : Make it easier to include plenty of vegetables in your day by always having them on hand--fresh, frozen, and canned (choose no-salt-added).
Tip 3 : In the Dairy Group, 1 cup = 1 cup milk, yogurt, or fortified soymilk (soy beverage); 1 ½ oz. natural cheese; or 2 oz. processed cheese.
Tip 4 : Three ways to thaw seafood, meat or poultry safely: In the refrigerator; in cold water, changed every 30 minutes; or in the microwave.
Tip 5 : Use dark leafy greens, like romaine lettuce and spinach, to make salads. Add red and orange veggies for extra color and nutrition!
Tip 6 : Did you know that calcium fortified soymilk (soy beverage) is considered part of the Dairy Group? Its nutrients are very similar to low-fat milk.
Tip 7 : Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Be adventurous and try a new fruit and vegetable each week.
Tip 8 : Try a new fruit. Fruits vary in vitamins and minerals--mix it up to get the essential nutrients.
Tip 9 : Get your whole grains by adding brown rice to soup for a hearty meal.
Tip 10 : 1 cup cooked pasta or macaroni counts as 2 oz of grains. Use My Plan to find out how many ounces of grains per day you need.