Tip 1 : Make a switch to fat-free milk. If you currently drink whole milk, first switch to reduced fat (2%), then low-fat (1%), and then fat-free (skim).
Tip 2 : Tired of marinara? For another vegetable-based pasta sauce, try spinach pesto. Look for recipes online.
Tip 3 : Puree your leftover roasted tomatoes and make an easy homemade soup. Check out recipes online for ingredients you'll need.
Tip 4 : Every fruit counts: Fresh, dried, frozen, and canned (in water or 100% juice)! Pick the one that works for you.
Tip 5 : Even if you don’t eat the peel, rinse and rub fruit under running water before peeling or cutting so that dirt and microbes don’t transfer.
Tip 6 : Create some new seafood pasta dishes. Look on-line for easy recipes.
Tip 7 : Select vegetables with more potassium, such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, tomato products (paste, sauce, and juice).
Tip 8 : For a great quick and easy way to combine all your favorite vegetables, try a vegetable stir-fry.
Tip 9 : Don’t forget to eat your greens! Collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, kale, and broccoli rabe are tasty side dishes.
Tip 10 : Corn is a great and affordable vegetable to cook all year long. Buy it fresh, frozen, or canned!