Father's Blood Group Calculator�finds the possible�
blood type�(group) of the father when the child's blood type and the mother�s blood type are known.
This calculator is solely based on theoretical principles and cannot be used as a confirmatory test for�
paternity issues�or any legal court evidence. Paternity testing requires DNA analysis.
Blood group plays a very important role during�
blood transfusion,�as the transfusion of B type blood to an A type blood recipient will lead to fatal results due to the different types of antigens present in the A and B groups. Blood cannot be replaced with any other fluid and producing�
synthetic blood�is not an easy job and might be very expensive. Hence knowing your blood group is very important as it could save your life or might give life to another person(
1✔ ✔Trusted Source
Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigens
Go to source).
Interesting Facts
- Blood donors can donate blood at intervals of once in 56 days(2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Blood Donor Selection: Guidelines on Assessing Donor Suitability for Blood Donation.
Go to source). - During pregnancy, blood donation�by the husband to the pregnant wife is not advisable. This may cause serious risk to the fetus(3✔ ✔Trusted Source
he challenges of meeting the blood transfusion requirements in Sub-Saharan Africa: the need for the development of alternatives to allogenic blood.
Go to source).
Recommended Readings on Father's Blood Group
Use these Health Screening Guidelines that list the medical conditions you should be screened for in your next health check-up.
Use this calculator to estimate your blood alcohol content and the permissible limit in different countries.
Are you a blood donor? If yes use our online calculator to find out when you can donate blood again.
Leukemia is cancer of blood-forming tissues in the body.
What is right diet for you may be the wrong one for another. The diet that suits you will depend on your blood type. This diet is called the blood group diet.
Slide animation providing comprehensive explanation about Blood Groups, Blood Typing and Blood Donation.
Blood group calculator gives you a detailed outlook of various blood groups, and also calculates the blood group of a child based on their parent's blood group and Rh type.