

Health Precautions Before, During and After Travel

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Precautions For Travelers With Medical Condition

The presence of medical conditions among prospective travelers requires special preparations. Prior to departure, a visit to the doctor is a must to re-check the stability of their medical condition and evaluate the dosage of medication. They should also obtain a letter from their medical practitioner giving details of their medical history, drug names, dosages prescribed with complete details of treatment. This document will be the reference point in case of a medical emergency during their stay in a foreign destination.

They should also carry an extra dose of medical supplies in their hand baggage to compensate for any loss or delay of check in baggage.

Even a healthy traveler may encounter the following problems while traveling by air, sea, road or by rail.

Travel Health

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Thanks for this excellent information.
sivakumar99  Friday, May 14, 2010
useful information!
navin123  Thursday, November 12, 2009
Motion sickness