Travel & Health
Written by Medindia Content Team
Medically Reviewed by The Medindia Medical Review Team on Apr 07, 2014
Vaccination and Immunization
Why do babies get so many pokes in the first few months of being born? They are receiving their ‘vaccine this, vaccine that’ shot, that’s why! And why should they be vaccinated? Because that’s the best way to get them immunized against various deadly diseases!So, though the terms vaccination and immunization are used interchangeably, you may have spotted the slight difference between them...
During Travel
Health Precautions Before, During and After Travel - Fear of flying
Fear of flying is common, especially for those flying for the first time. It is a kind of anxiety syndrome. You can overcome the same by positive thinking and relaxation techniques. Your doctor can give you a mild tranquilizer that will help you relax and reduce anxiety.
Health Precautions Before, During and After Travel
Travel Tips to Beijing Olympics 2008
Hijacking Situations and Behaviour Considerations
Special Needs and Assistance During Flight
Indian Senior citizens travelling to the United States
Flight Emergencies - Care in the Sky
Traveling to America
Fear of Flying
Airplanes –Ticket to Infection?
Destination India
Air travel