

Health Precautions Before, During and After Travel

E 4

Sinus and Ear pressure

Sinus and ear pressure while flying may occur because of the change in the air pressure inside the cabin. When an aircraft takes off, the air pressure inside the cabin decreases and while landing the air pressure increases, thus expanding the small pockets of air trapped in the sinus and middle ear. This discomfort generally disappears after landing, though for some it may prolong.

Swallowing and yawning while take off and landing should relieve the discomfort. Pinching the nose with two fingers and blowing air through the ears is another remedial measure.

People suffering from serious sinus and nasal congestion should avoid any kind of travel especially air travel till their condition improves.

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Thanks for this excellent information.
sivakumar99  Friday, May 14, 2010
useful information!
navin123  Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sleep pattern disturbance or Jetlag
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