Work for Medindia
Join Us and Change The Future of Healthcare
Join us and change the future of healthcare for millions of patients and consumers, across the world. Medindia is an international premier health portal that offers a wide range of resources to help not only the common man but also healthcare professionals, physicians, and companies develop their business in innovative ways. Join this exciting opportunity to become part of the medindia and advance healthcare through education and advocacy around the world. Whether you are a professional, student, health-care provider, or amateur contributor, your efforts can contribute towards providing information therapy to help others to get empowered with the right health information to improve their health and wellness. The COVID pandemic has truly changed health care forever and technology has become an integral part in improving healthcare by making access and affordability possible for the even most deprived. If you are passionate to make a difference, do join Team Medindia.The vacancies include:-
Voice your opinion - Become a Citizen Health Journalist+
Report anything interesting related to health from your area from anywhere in the world. You can also submit videos in the right format. The best reports will be eligible for cash awards every week. Regular contributions will be paid as per the newspaper norms.
Health content providers - Free-lancer working from remote locations - Click here to register+
Free-lancer health content providers
Write news, special health reports or articles for medindia website.
Online medical consultants – Four from each sub-specialty+
Join medindia panel of doctors (allopathic and complimentary medicine) for online consultation. As a consultant your responsibilities will be as follows:
- Review articles before they are uploaded on the website.
- If you have a passion for writing – you will be invited to write for the website.
- Online consultation with patients in your field of interest
- CV with two referees.
- Photocopy of medical registration certificate from the council
- Photocopy of medical degree/qualification certificate
- Photocopy of Professional indemnity from an insurance company
- Sample of medical articles that you may wish to submit to medindia to help your portfolio
Online consultants in Complimentary Medicine - 4 from each section+
Join medindia panel as Alternative Medicine practitioners from different disciplines for online consultation. As a consultant your responsibilities will be as follows:
- Review articles from your discipline before they are uploaded on the website.
- Write articles for the website
- Online consultation with patients.
- CV with two referees.
- Photocopy of registration certificate from the council
- Photocopy of degree/qualification certificate
- Sample of articles that you may wish to submit to medindia to help your portfolio
Online diet consultants - 2+
Join medindia panel of dieticians. As a consultant your responsibilities will be as follows:
- Review diet and nutrition related articles
- Write articles for the website
- Online free and paid consultation with consumers.
- CV with two referees.
- Photocopy of degree/qualification certificate
- Photocopy of any additional certificates you may wish to submit
- Sample articles that you may wish to submit to medindia to help your portfolio
Online counselors - 1+
Join medindia panel of counselors. As a consultant your responsibilities will be as follows:
- Review articles related to counselling
- Write articles for the website in your area of interest
- Online free and paid consultation with consumers.
- CV with two referees.
- Photocopy of degree/qualification certificate
- Photocopy of any additional certificates you may wish to submit
- Sample articles that you may wish to submit to medindia to help your portfolio
In-house medical content providers in Chennai–full time – 2+
- Write medical content
- Use experience to select relevant medical content and news
- Assist in product development and improvement
- Represent medindia from time to time in conferences and exhibitions
- Implementing strategies for increasing site ranking & traffic
- Solving issues in HTML code and content, link architecture and navigation.
- Keyword Research
- Meta-data creation & Optimization
- Generating landing pages as per requirement
- Develop link building strategies including directories, Blogs, Articles, Bookmarking and social Media
- Monitoring Google Analytics and Webmaster tool
- Minimum 2+ year of relevant experience in SEO
- Minimum 5-10 successful SEO projects will be an added advantage
- Knowledge of latest SEO/SEM trends, methods and best practices
- Knowledge of PPC - Google Ad words, Google Analytics and Webmaster tool
- Ability to work independently on projects and also collaborate as a team member
- Good English Communication skills, both oral and written
Other Requirements :-
1. Deputy News Editor - 1
Candidates should be a Post Graduate in Journalism/Mass Communications with 2-3 years of experience. Must have a good news sense and an eye for the visual, an excellent command of the English language and strong leadership skills. Responsibilities include prioritizing news, editing stories, planning layouts and special news packages, coordinating with reporters, designers and working with tight deadlines- 2 to 3 Years of Experience
2. Copy Editor / Senior Copy Editor / Chief Copy Editor - 1
Post Graduate in Journalism/Mass Communication with 2-4 years of experience. The candidate will be required to edit stories and give catchy headlines, caption pictures and graphics, design and layout pages on a daily basis for the publication.- 2 to 4 Years of Experience
3. Visuals
We invite you to submit high-resolution photographs, clipart, animation or videos related to health, diet or lifestyle. Please send us a sample if you have a large collection. The payment will be made depending on the quality of the item submitted. Kindly call medindia office and speak to the staff for any clarification and rates or send us a mail.4. Pharmacist - 1 Pvt. Ltd. is presently searching for a qualified pharmacist with good writing skills and who has added experience in procurement, packing and dispatch orders. We expect that you are/have :- B.Pharm/M.Pharm Graduate
- Previously working with procurement/order fulfilment - helpful
- Fluent in both written and spoken English
- Punctual, coordinated, structured and organized in your working style