Circumcision |

One of the oldest rituals to be practiced, circumcision is the surgical removal of a part of or the entire foreskin of the penis. It is indicated for the treatment of phimosis, penile cancer and chronic inflammation of the penis.
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Anatomy of Kidney

The kidneys are solid; bean shaped, reddish brown paired structure, which lie in the abdominal cavity, one on either side of the vertebral column. The kidneys collect the excretory products and eliminate them in the form of urine.
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Symptoms of Prostate Gland Enlargement

The prostate enlarges in old age and this results in urinary symptoms and sometimes urinary blockage. The enlargement is usually benign but sometimes
malignant. The enlarged gland is called 'Benign Prostate Hyperplasia' or BPH / BHP and may require surgery.
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Kidney Stones
A kidney stone can cause acute colic and this interactive shows how a passing stone can cause pain.
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Know the Urinary System

This interactive explains about the different sections of the urinary system.
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Learn about Enlarging Prostate Gland

This interactive explains how an enlarging prostate gland can cause urinary obstruction.
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Understanding Brain Death
This interactive helps you to understand about 'Brain Death'. When the brain dies a person is truly dead. These patients can give a second chance in Life to an organ failure patients.
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Location Of Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is a male sex gland that sits under the bladder and is the size of a walnut. It slowly enlarges after the age of 40 years and can give rise to urinary symptoms.
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Male Reproductive System
Reproduction is one of the most important and fundamental properties of living organisms by which every kind of living organism multiplies to form new individuals of it’s own kind.
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Prostate Cancer

The flash illustrates certain facts about prostate cancer, the importance of early detection and the various treatment options available for the same.
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Journey of the Male Sperm

This interactive traces the journey of the sperm from testis to the outside world. The sperm travels through a 25 cms tube called vas deferens before being delivered to the urethra.
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Endoscopic Prostate Surgery- TURP

The prostate enlarges in old age to cause urinary blockage. This enlargement is usually benign. A skilled surgeon called 'Urologist' can use a thin endoscope to remove the enlarged prostate gland.
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Pyeloplasty of Kidney

Animation showing Pyeloplasty surgical operation to relieve obstruction of the pelvi-ureteric junction of the kidney.
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