Homeopathy and Kidney Stones

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Some of the most common remedies used for kidney stones are listed below.

Aconite-Useful in the acute stage. Urine is scanty, and hot to feel. Urine is at times bloody. Patient perspires profusely. Complaints are aggravated by lying on painful side.

Arnica-Dark brick colored sediment in urine. Painful urination.

Belladonna-useful remedy when urine is scanty, dark and cloudy, with lots of phosphate stones or when the region over bladder is sensitive. Also used in the treatment of blood in urine.

Berberis vulgaris-used in the treatment of patients who complain of sensation of some urine remaining after urination, or in those whose urine contains mucus with sediments. Also used in the treatment of bubbling sensation in kidneys, pain in loins and thighs during urination, marked soreness in lumbar region. With pain radiating to the groin

Calcarea carbonicum-Used when patient complains of dark brown colored urine. Urine is often bloody or with white sediments.

Cantharis-This is used when symptoms come on with marked intensity and rapidity. Burning is a marked feature in this remedy. Whole of the urinary system seems to be in an inflammed state. Desire to defecate while urinating is also present.

Colo cynthus-Intense burning along urethra when patient passes stools. Hard red crystals in urine, that sticks to vessel. Pain on urinating radiates all over abdomen. Pain is relieved by bending forward.

Nitric acid-Used for renal colic where pain is likened to that of splinters. Urine is scanty, dark and offensive. Typically, urine is strong smelling, like horse urine. At times urine is aluminous.

Lycopodium-Primarily useful in healing right sided complaints. Patient is emaciated from above downwards. The complaints seem to peculiarly aggravate between 4-8 P.M. There are many symptoms pointing to pathology in the kidney. Red sand appears copiously in urine in acute conditions. It is indicated for retention of urine.

Sarsaparilla-Very good remedy that helps during renal colic. Urine is scanty, sandy, often blood tinged. Urine dribbles on sitting. Renal colic in children can be treated with this remedy. Child screams in pain before urination, and there is sand in the child’s diaper. Pain radiates from right kidney into the flanks.

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