Programme Schedule
DAY 3 - 31ST AUGUST, 2003 
Poster 1 : 
Topic : Traumatic transection of the pancreas head: A report of a case with Santorini's duct injury treated by damage control surgery. 
Speaker : Dr. Yasutoshi Kimura - Japan 

Poster 2 : 
Topic : Pancreas - Sparing Duodenectomy for a recurrent retro peritoneal liposarcoma 
Speaker : Dr. Yasutoshi Kimura - Japan

 Poster 3 : 
Topic : Comparative study of radiological appearance of Alcoholic Chronic Pancreatitis and Tropical Chronic Pancreatitis in Kerala India 
Speaker : Dr. Rajiv. M. Mehta - India 

Poster 4 : 
Topic : Detection of Pancreatic Warm Ischemic Injury by Using Dielectric Analysis 
: Dr. Tomohiro Mizutani - Japan 

Poster 5 : 
: An Experimental Study concerning Delayed Gastric Emptying following Pylorus-preserving Pancreatico duodenectomy 
Speaker : Dr. Mitsuhiro Mukaiya - Japan 

Poster 6 : 
Topic : Multifocal Microcystic serous cystadenoma of the pancreas 
Speaker : Dr. Prashant M. Mullerpatan - India 

Poster 7 : 
Topic : Calcitonin Secreting Tumor of Pancreas : A Case Report 
Speaker : Dr. Prashant M. Mullerpatan - India 

Poster 8 : 
Topic : Recurrent Duodenal Leiomyosarcoma-A Case Report 
Speaker : Dr. Shefali M Pandya - India 

Poster 9 : 
Topic : Correlation of interleukin-10 levels and severity of acute pancreatitis and its septic complications 
Speaker : Dr. A. Perejaslov - Ukraine 

Poster 10 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Basis Of The Hepatic Surgery I. The Portal Hepatic Vein.
: Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 11 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Basis Of The Hepatic Surgery II. The Proper Hepatic Artery. 
Speaker : Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 12 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Basis Of Thr Hepatic Surgery III. The Intrahepatic Biliary Ducts 
Speaker : Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 13 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Basis Of The Hepatic Surgery IV. The Hepatic Veins Speaker : Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 14 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Basis of the Hepatic Surgery V. The Contents of the Hepatic Fissurae 
Speaker : Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 15 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Bases Of The Hepatic Surgery VI. The Caudate Lobe. Speaker : Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 16 : 
Topic : The Anatomical Basis Of The Hepatic Surgery VII. The Hepatic Segmentation 
Speaker : Dr. Matusz Petru - Romania 

Poster 17 : 
Topic : Novel Strategy against pancreatic stump after pancreatoduodenectomy 
: Dr. Osada Shinji - Japan 

Poster 18 : 
Topic : Cystic tumour of pancreas 
Speaker : Dr. Sivasankar - India 

Poster 19 : 
: Pre TAE Hepatic CTA for the identification of Extrahepatic Mesentery Arteries supplying the Hepatoma in the non-operable patients. 
Speaker : Dr. Yeu-Sheng Tyan - Taiwan 

Poster 20 : 
: Repeat HepatocyteTransplantation In Cirrhotic Rat 
Speaker : Dr. Toshiyuki Yamamoto - Japan 

Poster 21 : 
: Focal nodular hyperplasia without central scar 
Speaker : Dr. Shingo Yamashita - Japan 

Poster 22 : 
: Pancreatoduodenectomy for Misdiagnosed Periampillary Cancer 
Speaker : Dr. Tae Yong Ha - Korea 

Poster 23 : 
: Giant villous Adenoma of the Ampulla of vater: observation of the adenoma - carcinoma sequence 
Speaker : Dr. Ashish Aparna - India 

Poster 24 : 
Topic :
Bruner's gland Hyperplasia - a rare presentation with duodenal obstruction and recurrent jaundice. 
Speaker : Dr. Kashinath Das - India

 Poster 25 : 
: Feasibility of an Anatomical Ventral Pancreatectomy 
Speaker : Dr. Young Joon Ahn - Korea 

Poster 26 : 
: Emphysematous cholicystitis : A typical presentation of acute cholicystitis.
Speaker : Dr. A.A. Deshpande - India

Poster 27 : 
: Pancreatoduodenectomy for misguided periampullary cancer 
Speaker : Dr Tae Yong Ha - Korea 

Poster 28 :
 Topic : Surgical Treatment for Chronic Pancreatitis 
Speaker : Dr. Toshio Honma - Japan

Poster 29 : 
Topic : Merits Of Duodenum-Preserving Pancreas Head Resection 
Speaker : Dr. Akihiko Horiguchi - Japan 

Poster 30 : 
Topic : Case Report - A Pancreatic Hydatic Cyst 
Speaker : Dr. Alireza Khazaei Khatam - Iran 

Poster 31 : 
: Application of the New Japanese Classification of the Accessory Pancreatic Duct by ERCP in Cuba. 
Speaker : Dr. Hector Ruban Hernandez Garces - Cuba

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