Message from the Congress President

On behalf of the Organising Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in the Seventh Congress of Asian Society of Hepato-Billary-Pancreatic Surgery to be held at Chennai (Madras), Tamil Nadu, INDIA from 28th - 31st August, 2003.
   The Congress Organising Committee will present the Challenging Program of the state-of-the-art in Hepato-Billary and Pancreatic Diseases and Organ Transplantation.

   It will address various modalities of approach besides Surgery, Endoscopic, Interventional Radio-logical and Laparoscopic procedures. As there is increasing trent in tumors, Oncological consideration of various aspects of Hepato-Billary and Pancreatic neo-plasms will be addressed. The program will be comprehensive to include genetic factors, early diagnosis and non surgical ablation of tumors.

The Liver Transplantation is in its infancy in these developing countries.The conference by addressing various problems would be an impetus to the further hastening the liver transplant programmes and give a fillip to pancreas transplantation.The current management of Tropical and Parasitic diseases so common in those areas will find a place in the deliberations of the Congress.

 India is proud to host this important event for the first time. The Organising Committee looks forward to welcoming you and your family to visit the Temple City of Chennai and to explore and learn about our heritage and hospitality.

Dr. B. Krishna Rau
Congress President - Seventh Congress of Asian
Society of Hepato-Billary-Pancreatic Surgery
Prof. & HOD of Surgery, Director of Gastroenterology
Sri Ramachandra Medical College & University Hospital
5, Chandra Bagh Avenue II Street
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004, Tamil Nadu, INDIA
Tel: 91-44-8473777, 8473804 Fax: 91-44-8473577, 4767008
E-Mail: [email protected]

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