Adeline Dorcas's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil (Food Service Management & Dietetics)

Adeline Dorcas

Adeline Dorcas is an alumni of Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching and writing. She loves spending time with family and friends.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day: Time to Think, Reflect, and Take Action

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day: Time to Think, Reflect, and Take Action

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Awareness Day is celebrated annually on 9th September. It aims to make women aware of the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and save their babies from lifelong misery.

Health Watch
Sizzling Hot Yoga can Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Sizzling Hot Yoga can Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Are you suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension)? Then, try out hot yoga. Practicing yoga under hot and humid conditions with room temperatures around 105oF can lower your blood pressure naturally.

Health Watch
Following a Healthy Lifestyle Cuts Down Diabetes Risk by 75 Percent

Following a Healthy Lifestyle Cuts Down Diabetes Risk by 75 Percent

People who live a healthy lifestyle have a 75% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) than those following an unhealthy lifestyle, reveals a new study.

Health Watch
Eating Healthy Foods More Important Than Type of Diet to Lower Heart Disease Risk

Eating Healthy Foods More Important Than Type of Diet to Lower Heart Disease Risk

Are you eating right to keep your heart healthy? Not the type of diet, but eating healthy foods can cut down the risk of developing heart disease, reveals a new study.

Health Watch
Ketogenic Diet Continues to be Safe, Effective for Infants with Genetic Epilepsy

Ketogenic Diet Continues to be Safe, Effective for Infants with Genetic Epilepsy

Can epilepsy be treated through a keto diet? Yes, better seizure control along with a ketogenic diet continues to be a safe, effective, and well-tolerated treatment for infants with genetic epilepsy, reveals a new study.

Health Watch