Adeline Dorcas's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil (Food Service Management & Dietetics)

Adeline Dorcas

Adeline Dorcas is an alumni of Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching and writing. She loves spending time with family and friends.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Making Your Own Sunscreen is Bad for Your Skin: Here's Why

Making Your Own Sunscreen is Bad for Your Skin: Here's Why

Is DIY sunscreen safe? Applying sunscreen can protect your sensitive skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. But, watch out, homemade sunscreens may not be as effective as commercial sunscreen.

Health Watch
Fear of New Foods may Increase the Risk of Lifestyle Diseases

Fear of New Foods may Increase the Risk of Lifestyle Diseases

Fear of new and unfamiliar foods (food neophobia) can put you at a higher risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, reveals a new study.

Health Watch
Downward Head Tilt can Make You Seem More Dominant: Here’s How

Downward Head Tilt can Make You Seem More Dominant: Here’s How

Are you dominant or submissive? Just tilting your head downward can make you seem more powerful, commanding, and dominating.

Health Watch
Gift Your Dad a Health Check-up This Father's Day

Gift Your Dad a Health Check-up This Father's Day

Father’s Day Gift: Regular health check-ups and timely diagnosis can save your busy dad's life. So, get ready to give your dad the gift of health this father’s day.

Health Watch
Sleeping with Artificial Light at Night can Make Women Obese

Sleeping with Artificial Light at Night can Make Women Obese

Women who sleep with artificial light at night are more likely to be obese and overweight. Therefore, turning off all the lights before bedtime could stop gaining too much weight.

Health Watch