Adeline Dorcas's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil (Food Service Management & Dietetics)

Adeline Dorcas

Adeline Dorcas is an alumni of Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching and writing. She loves spending time with family and friends.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

New Skin-Hugging Sensor can Track Your Health in Real-time

New Skin-Hugging Sensor can Track Your Health in Real-time

New skin-hugging sensor developed to monitor health. This new wearable wireless sensor that sticks to the skin uses a new type of radiofrequency identification (RFID) to beam signals to receivers clipped to clothing.

Health Watch
Aerobic Exercise can Improve Endurance, Walking in Disabled Stroke Patients

Aerobic Exercise can Improve Endurance, Walking in Disabled Stroke Patients

Is aerobic exercise good after a stroke? Yes, doing a set of aerobic exercises every day can ultimately enhance strength and endurance, thereby helping stroke patients to regain the ability to walk again.

Health Watch
New Dual Stem Cell Therapy Holds Promise for Heart Regeneration

New Dual Stem Cell Therapy Holds Promise for Heart Regeneration

Newly developed dual stem cell therapy offers fresh hope for repairing myocardial infarction (MI) heart. This new stem cell-based treatments for cardiac regeneration could be used as an alternative to the existing complex and risky heart transplant for seriously-ill patients.

Health Watch
Automatically Chlorinating Water at Public Taps can Reduce Diarrhea in Children

Automatically Chlorinating Water at Public Taps can Reduce Diarrhea in Children

Are you drinking clean water? Automatic chlorination of drinking water at public taps can create clean water and reduce child diarrhea rates in urban Bangladesh, reveals a new study.

Health Watch
Dark Chocolate can Ward Off Depression Symptoms

Dark Chocolate can Ward Off Depression Symptoms

Dark chocolate lovers rejoice! Eating plenty of dark chocolates can brighten your mood and protect you from depression.

Health Watch