Colleen Fleiss's Profile


Colleen Fleiss

Colleen is a well-versed medical writer, who has written on various medical topics. She writes under her pen name contributing news to Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

World Environment Day 2022: What Can We Do to Save Our Planet?

World Environment Day 2022: What Can We Do to Save Our Planet?

World Environment Day observed on 5th June, calls for a global action to celebrate, protect and restore our planet Earth.

Health Watch
Is Dinner Time the New Risk Factor for Stroke?

Is Dinner Time the New Risk Factor for Stroke?

Do you know stroke risk is influenced by dinner time? Having dinner at irregular times or post 8 pm can increase the risk of stroke.

Health In Focus
World No Tobacco Day 2022: Protect the Environment

World No Tobacco Day 2022: Protect the Environment

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on 31st May to highlight the harmful effects of nicotine and its other products; this year focuses on environmental issues.

Health Watch
Sperm Count of Obese Men Can be Increased by Losing Weight

Sperm Count of Obese Men Can be Increased by Losing Weight

Link between weight loss and increased sperm quality explored. Men with obesity/obese men can improve their sperm quality if they lose weight.

Health In Focus
World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day 2022 — “Connections”

World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day 2022 — “Connections”

World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day is annually marked on May 30th to encourage a global campaign for everyone affected with multiple sclerosis.

Health Watch