Colleen Fleiss's Profile


Colleen Fleiss

Colleen is a well-versed medical writer, who has written on various medical topics. She writes under her pen name contributing news to Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Oral Health Care Guide for Healthy Ramadan Fasting

Oral Health Care Guide for Healthy Ramadan Fasting

Are you worried about oral health problems during Ramadan fasting? Here are some tips that can help you maintain good oral hygiene during this period.

Health In Focus
World Parkinson’s Day 2022— “Integrated Health Care”

World Parkinson’s Day 2022— “Integrated Health Care”

World Parkinson’s Day aims to promote awareness of Parkinson’s disease and spread the word about the significance of integrated health care.

Health Watch
How Does Insomnia Impact Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk?

How Does Insomnia Impact Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk?

Did you know that insomnia sleep disorder can increase type 2 diabetes risk? When you lack good sleep, regulating blood sugar levels become difficult.

Health In Focus
Instant Wound Healing Evolves into Reality With Cool Plasma Technology

Instant Wound Healing Evolves into Reality With Cool Plasma Technology

Science fiction concept of instant wound healing may soon make its way into reality with plasma medicine/plasma technology by using plasma liquid models.

Health In Focus
Is ‘COVID Teeth’ a Possible Symptom of the Fourth Wave of COVID-19?

Is ‘COVID Teeth’ a Possible Symptom of the Fourth Wave of COVID-19?

Are new COVID-19 variants showing teeth and gum problems as early signs of COVID-19 infection? Experts warn not to ignore oral health.

Health In Focus