Colleen Fleiss's Profile
Colleen is a well-versed medical writer, who has written on various medical topics. She writes under her pen name contributing news to Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Mediterranean Diet May Ease Preeclampsia Risk in Pregnant Women
Pregnant women can lower their risk of complications like preeclampsia by following a diet called “Mediterranean diet.” Read more to view other benefits of this diet.
Obesity Puts You at a Higher Risk for Endometrial (Womb) Cancer
Can your obesity increase your chance of getting endometrial (womb) cancer? Excess fat tissue can cause hormonal changes related to endometrial cancer risk.
Oral Cancer Awareness Month 2022 — ‘Early Screening Is Vital’
This April 2022, various oral health organizations observe world oral cancer awareness month to raise awareness about oral cancer screening.
World Hemophilia Day 2022: Access For All: Partnership. Policy. Progress
World Hemophilia Day focus is to raise awareness and bring hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders to the attention of policymakers.
XE Variant of Omicron Strain May Lead to Fourth Wave of Pandemic
With the gradual lifting-off of all COVID-19 restrictions in India, authorities caution against a new recombinant, hybrid virus known as XE variant.