Form of Notice
[See rule 18(1)]
* (Here mention name & designation of the Authority)
Before* .............................................. Appellate Authority as constituted under Section 31(1) of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981).
In the matter of appeal No ………............. 19 …. filed under section 31 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (14 of 1981) by Shri ......................………………
(here mention the name and address of the appellant)
Whereas Shri …………………………(here mention the name and address of the appellant)
has filed before this Authority a Memorandum of appeal against the order .............................. dated ................ passed by the Central Pollution Control Board under Section 20/21/22 of the Act.
And whereas under sub-section (4) or Section 31 of the Act, this authority is required to give to the parties an opportunity of being heard. Now, Therefore, please take notice that this authority has fixed ............ as date of hearing of the aforesaid appeal. The hearing shall take place at ............. AM/PM on that date in the office of the Board at New Delhi. You are hereby called upon to appear before this Authority at the appointed time and date and place, either in person or through a duly authorised agent, and explain your case. Please take notice that failure on your part to appear on the day of hearing either in person or through authorised agent, without showing sufficient cause to the satisfaction of this Authority will make your appeal liable to be dismissed or decided ex-parte.
Given under the hand and seal of the Appellate Authority at ..............................
This .............................. day ...........................
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