Insecticides Act, 1968 - Central Insecticides Board

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4. The Central Insecticides Board

1. The Central Government shall, as soon as may be, constitute a Board to be called the Central Insecticides Board to advise the Central Government and State Governments on technical matters arising out of administration of this Act and to carry out the other function assigned to the board by or under this Act.

2. The matters on which Board may advise under sub-section (1) shall include matters relating to

a. The risk to human beings or animals involved in the use of insecticides and the safety measures necessary to prevent such risk;
b. The manufacture, sale, storage, transport and distribution of insecticides with a view to ensure safety to human beings or animals.

3. The board shall consist to the following members, namely:
i. The Director-General of Health Service, ex officio, who shall be chairman;
ii. The Drugs Controller, India, ex officio;
iii. The Plant Protection Advisor to the Government of India, ex officio;
iv. The Director of storage and inspection, ministry of food, Agriculture, Community Development and Co-operation (Department of Food ex officio;)
v. The Chief Advisor of Factories, ex officio;
vi. The Director, National Institute of Communicable Diseases, ex officio;
vii. The Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, ex officio;
viii. The Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research, ex officio;
ix. The Director, Zoological Survey of India, ex officio;
x. The Director-General, Indian Standards Institutions, ex officio;
xi. The Director-General of shopping or, in his absence, the deputy Director-General of shipping, Ministry of Transport and Shipping, ex officio;
xii. The Joint-Director, Traffic (General), Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), ex officio;
xiii. The Secretary, Central Committee for Food Standards, ex officio;
xiv. The animal Husbandry Commissioner, Department of Agriculture, ex-officio;
xv. The Joint Commissioner (Fisheries), Department of Agriculture, ex officio;
xvi. The Deputy Inspector-General of Forest (Wild life), Department of Agriculture ex officio;
xvii. The Industrial Advisor (Chemicals), Directorate-General of Technical Development, ex officio;
xviii. One person to represent the Ministry of Petroleum and chemicals, to be nominated by the Central Government;
xix. One Pharmacologist to be nominated by the Central Government;
xx. One Medical Toxicologist to be nominated by Central Government;
xxi. One person who shall be in charge of the department dealing with public health in a state, to be nominated by the Central Government;
xxii. Two person who shall be Directors of Agriculture in States, to be nominated by the Central Government;
xxiii. Four persons, one of whom shall be expert in Industrial health and occupational hazards, to be nominated by the Central Government;
xxiv. One person to represent the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, to be nominated by the Central Government;
xxv. One ecologist to be nominated by the Central Government.

4. The person nominated under clauses (xiv) to (xxi) inclusive of sub-section (3) shall, unless their seats become vacant earlier by resignation, death or otherwise, hold office for three years from the date of their nominations but shall be eligible for re-nominations:

Provided that the person nominated under clauses (xvii) and (xviii) shall hold office only for so long as they hold the appointments by virtue of which their nominations were made.

No act or proceeding of the Board, the Registration Committee or any Committee appointed under section 6; shall be called in question on the ground merely of the existence any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of the Board, the Registration Committee or such committee, as the case may be.

5. Registration Committee

a. The Central Government shall constitute a Registration Committee consisting of a Chairman, and not more than five persons who shall be member of the Board (including the Drugs Controller, India and the Plant Protection Advisor to the Government of India)

i. to register insecticide after scrutinizing their formulae and verifying claims made by the importer or the manufacturer , as the case may be, as regards their efficacy and safety to human beings and animals; and
ii. to perform such other functions as are assigned to it by or under this Act.

b. Where the Chairman is not a member of the Board, his term of office and other conditions of service shall be such as may be determined by the Central Government.

c. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), a member of the Registration Committee shall hold office for so long as he is a member of the Board.

d. The committee may also co-opt such number of experts and for such purpose of period as it may deem fit, by any expert so co-opted shall have no right to vote.

e. Registration committee shall regulate its own procedure and the conduct of the business to be transacted by it.

6. Other Committees

The Board may appoint such committees as it deems fit and may appoint to them persons who are not members of the Board to exercise such powers and perform such duties as may, subject to such conditions, if any, as the Board may impose, be delegated to them by the Board.

7. Procedure for Board

The Board may, subject to the previous approval of the Central Government, make bye-laws for the purpose of regulating its own procedure and the procedure of any committee thereof and the conduct of all business to be transacted by it or such committee.

8. Secretary and other officers - The Central Government shall-

a. appoint a person to the Secretary of the Board who shall also function as Secretary to the Registration Committee; and
b. Provide the Board and the Registration Committee with such technical and other staff as the Central Government considers necessary.

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sonikhetan, India

i want to apply for license of sell i apply and documents required



sag76, India

I am Insecticide inspector at Chhattisgarh (India)I ve to make Inspection at a Insecticide manufacture s plant, So what will be mode opf inspection and whether i can take a ligal action as per IA 1958.


i want to start pest control business in karnataka please help me about this i am not get it proper suggestions from any one please clarified me mail id 9590983438


i want a new license for sell exhibit and stock where i apply for this i live in mhow dist indore

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