11. Appointment of consulting engineer.
For the purpose of assisting the Central Board in the performance of its functions, the Board may appoint a consulting engineer to the Board for a specified period not exceeding four months:
Provided that the Board may, with the prior approval of the Central Government extend the period of the appointment from time to time:
Provided further that if at the time of the initial appointment the Central Board had reason to believe that the services of the consulting engineer would be required for a period of more than four months, the Central Board shall not make the appointment without the prior approval of the Central Government.
12. Power to terminate appointment.
Notwithstanding the appointment of a consulting engineer for a specified period under rule 11, the Central Board shall have the right to terminate the services of the-consulting engineer before the expiry of the specified period, if, in the opinion of the Board, the consulting engineer is not discharging his duties properly or to the satisfaction of the Board or such a course of action is necessary in the public interest.
7[Provided that the services of a consulting engineer shall not be terminated under this rule by the Central Board except after giving him a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the proposed action.]
13. Emoluments of the consulting engineer.
The Central Board may pay the consulting engineer suitable emoluments or fees depending on the nature of work, and the qualifications and experience of the consulting engineer:
Provided that the Central Board shall not appoint any person as consulting engineer without the prior approval of the Central Government if the emoluments or fees payable to him exceeds rupees two thousand per month.
14. Tours by consulting engineer.
The consulting engineer may undertake tours within the country for the performance of the duties entrusted to him by the Central Board and in respect of such tours he shall be entitled to travelling and daily allowances as admissible to a Grade I officer of the Central Government. He shall, however, get the prior approval of the Member-Secretary to his tour programme.
15. Consulting engineer not to disclose information.
The consulting engineer shall not disclose any information either given by the Central Board or obtained during the performance of the duties assigned to him either from the Central Board or otherwise, to any person other than the Central Board without the written permission of the Board.
16. Duties and functions of the consulting engineer.
The consulting engineer shall discharge such duties and perform such functions as are assigned to him, by the Central Board and it will be his duty to advice the Board on all technical matters referred to him by the Board.
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