Dr. Nithin Jayan's Profile
Dr. Nithin Jayan has an MBBS degree and is currently pursuing an MD in Anaesthesia from Lake Shore Hospital, Kochi. He is an aspiring writer, singer and an active blogger. He reviews and edits articles and also contributes special and in-depth reports on a variety of health topics.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Ampullary Cancer
Ampullary cancer is a rare cancer of the ampulla of Vater that connects the common bile duct and pancreatic duct to the small intestine. Symptoms of ampullary cancer include jaundice, weight loss.
Appendicitis is inflammation of the appendix with intense, migrating abdominal pain caused by obstruction due to tumors, feces, or infection.
Ten Most Common Skin Disorders
Skin problems cause discomfort and embarrassment necessitating effective treatment. Here are 10 common skin disorders including acne, rosacea and skin cancer.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles
Ayurvedic treatment for piles involves a lot of changes in diet and lifestyle; some remedies to prevent and treat hemorrhoids are simple and easy to follow.
Earwax blockage - Symptom Evaluation
Reference details about Earwax blockage - Symptom Evaluation.