Dr. Nithin Jayan's Profile


Dr. Nithin Jayan

Dr. Nithin Jayan has an MBBS degree and is currently pursuing an MD in Anaesthesia from Lake Shore Hospital, Kochi. He is an aspiring writer, singer and an active blogger. He reviews and edits articles and also contributes special and in-depth reports on a variety of health topics.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a condition in which the heart fails to work adequately as a pump that can deliver oxygen rich blood to the body. 

Disease & Condition
Pyloric Stenosis in Adults

Pyloric Stenosis in Adults

Pyloric stenosis is a rare disorder in adults that is caused due to abnormal thickening of pyloric sphincter muscle, thereby narrowing the gastric outlet.

Disease & Condition
Von Recklinghausen's Disease

Von Recklinghausen's Disease

Von Recklinghausen's Disease / Neurofibromatosis can cause bone deformities and skin problems. Multiple soft-nerve tumors or neurofibromas are seen. Light brown tan spots develop on the skin.

Disease & Condition
Implantable Loop Recorder

Implantable Loop Recorder

Implantable Loop Recorder is a small implantable device which monitors and records the electrical heart activity.



Echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart, which aids in obtaining the heart images to assess the underlying heart condition.
