Shravanthi Vikram's Profile
M.Sc (Bio-Informatics)

Shravanthi has completed her post graduate degree in Bio-Informatics at Stella Maris College, Chennai. She has been teaching Biology for school and college students for the past 6 years through online tutoring. She has also completed a course on medical lab technology. Her interests include cooking view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Effective Vaccine Against New COVID Variant
Data shows that the Moderna vaccine is highly effective against the delta variant of the COVID virus. It considerably reduces hospital and emergency department visits due to COVID.

World Trade Centre Firefighters are at High Risk of Developing Cancer
Firefighters who helped during the 9/11 attack at the World Trade Centre are at high risk of developing prostate and thyroid cancer.

Chewing Gum Fastens Post-surgery Recovery
Chewing gum after heart surgery helps reduce digestive problems and speed up the patient’s recovery time. It is a safe and simple intervention.

Twitter Posts Reveal the Mode of Communication During Disasters
Monitoring social media during hurricanes could help people to plan better during disasters. It also helps to understand the social cohesion among people during climatic disasters.

Protein Responsible for Preeclampsia Discovered
An enzyme Protein Phosphate 2 (PP2A) acts as a major drive for preeclampsia. Preeclampsia condition increases blood pressure in the mother during pregnancy and results in premature delivery.