Shravanthi Vikram's Profile
M.Sc (Bio-Informatics)

Shravanthi has completed her post graduate degree in Bio-Informatics at Stella Maris College, Chennai. She has been teaching Biology for school and college students for the past 6 years through online tutoring. She has also completed a course on medical lab technology. Her interests include cooking view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

New Algorithm to Predict Schizophrenia
An algorithm SPLS-DA analyzes the specific region of the human genome for early diagnosis of schizophrenia. The test is about 80% accurate in identifying schizophrenia.

Mild COVID Infection Has Long Term Effect
Individuals with mild COVID infection experienced symptoms like fatigue, shortness of breath, stress, anxiety, and brain fog even after 30 days of testing positive for the infection.

Death Risk Linked to Poor Motor Function in Elders
Poor physical function in elders above 65 years increases the risk of death. Decline in mental skills emerges 15 years before death.

High Fall Risk Among Older Adults During COVID
Covid has increased fall risk among older adults due to changes in mobility, physical activity, and conditioning. Physical activity has decreased due to a lack of companionship and loneliness.

Genetic Mutations Linked to Severe COVID Infection
Variation in the TLR7 gene increases the risk of severe covid infection. The gene acts as an important defense factor against SARS-CoV-2.