Shravanthi Vikram's Profile
M.Sc (Bio-Informatics)

Shravanthi has completed her post graduate degree in Bio-Informatics at Stella Maris College, Chennai. She has been teaching Biology for school and college students for the past 6 years through online tutoring. She has also completed a course on medical lab technology. Her interests include cooking view more..
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Strong Disinfectants can Control Pandemic
The nanoparticles in the disinfectant can last for seven days and can kill viruses both chemically and mechanically. The disinfectant is effective against seven different viruses.

Device to Treat Acne Developed
A smart device was developed to monitor and detect skin disease and skin conditions like acne. The model was created by taking inspiration from the male diving beetle.

Blood Test Identifies Cancerous Tumors
A blood test helps in early detection of cancerous tumors in people with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).The test also helps in monitoring the treatment response among patients.

COVID-19 Biomarkers Identified in Children
SARS-CoV-2 infection causes multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. This response was mainly seen among Latinx children. This response requires ICU admission and can also be deadly.

Nitrogen in Breast Milk Helps Infant Development
The nitrogen present in the breast milk is used by the beneficial Bifidobacterium infantis bacterium present in the gut of infants that plays a important role in infant pediatric development and nutrition.