Sushma Rao's Profile

M.A (Communication & Journalism)

Sushma Rao

Sushma's passion for writing has taken her far and wide, to places in the advertising and IT industries, where she has contributed towards Content and Digital Marketing. Her other interests are baking, dancing and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Health Benefits of Ambarella

Health Benefits of Ambarella

Ambarella fruit, also known as the June plum is rich in vital nutrients and antioxidants. It has several therapeutic benefits, especially for respiratory diseases.

Diet Articles
Scientists Decode Function of Gene Associated With Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists Decode Function of Gene Associated With Alzheimer’s Disease

Possible mechanism by which APOE4 gene variant increases risk of late onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) identified in recent study.

Health In Focus
Non-invasive Technique to Correct Vision

Non-invasive Technique to Correct Vision

New method using a low-powered ultrafast laser is an invasive approach that can permanently correct vision.

Health In Focus
Nipah Virus Re-emerges for the Third Time in India

Nipah Virus Re-emerges for the Third Time in India

Re-emergence of the Nipah virus in India could be due to rapid urbanization and changing climate, say scientists.

Health In Focus
World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day observed on 31st May is mainly aimed at highlighting the importance of avoiding tobacco and its associated diseases.

Health Watch