Sushma Rao's Profile

M.A (Communication & Journalism)

Sushma Rao

Sushma's passion for writing has taken her far and wide, to places in the advertising and IT industries, where she has contributed towards Content and Digital Marketing. Her other interests are baking, dancing and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Manipulating Gut Microbiome Could Potentially Act as Cancer Therapy

Manipulating Gut Microbiome Could Potentially Act as Cancer Therapy

Interaction between microRNA and the gut microbiome may play a role in colorectal cancer, shows study.

Health In Focus
World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day is observed on 17th May every year. The Theme for World Hypertension Day 2018 is " Know your Numbers," with the main aim to create awareness on hypertension.

Health Watch
Rheumatoid Arthritis Connection With Huntington’s Disease Discovered

Rheumatoid Arthritis Connection With Huntington’s Disease Discovered

Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease and Huntington's disease, a genetic disorder probably have a genetic overlap, says study.

Health In Focus
Novel Target Identified to Make Immunotherapy Effective in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Novel Target Identified to Make Immunotherapy Effective in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

New protein target identified that might make immunotherapy with check-point inhibitors more effective in triple negative breast cancer.

Health In Focus
Cannabis Use Increases Among Parents With Children at Home

Cannabis Use Increases Among Parents With Children at Home

Cannabis use from 2002 to 2015 has increased among parents with children at home, while cigarette smoking levels have declined, says study.

Health In Focus