Sushma Rao's Profile

M.A (Communication & Journalism)

Sushma Rao

Sushma's passion for writing has taken her far and wide, to places in the advertising and IT industries, where she has contributed towards Content and Digital Marketing. Her other interests are baking, dancing and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Obesity Stands Out as Australia's Biggest Public Health Challenge

Obesity Stands Out as Australia's Biggest Public Health Challenge

One in two adults are obese in Australia and the problem has increased from the past decade due to physical inactivity and unhealthy eating habits.

Health In Focus
Oriental Insurance - Senior Citizen Specified Diseases Insurance

Oriental Insurance - Senior Citizen Specified Diseases Insurance

The Oriental Insurance Company’s Senior Citizen Specified Diseases Insurance is solely designed for senior citizens, providing insurance benefits of Rs. 5lakhs.

Health Insurance
Skincare Tips for Darker Skin Types

Skincare Tips for Darker Skin Types

People with darker complexion need special care and tips. If you have a darker complexion, these easy skincare regimen and make up tips will help.

Beauty Tips
Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Risk of Bladder Cancer

Vitamin D Deficiency Increases Risk of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the world. Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of bladder cancer, finds a new study.

Health In Focus
Common Emulsifiers Used as Food Additives may Promote Colon Cancer

Common Emulsifiers Used as Food Additives may Promote Colon Cancer

Consumption of processed foods may be contributing to the development of colorectal cancer, which is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths.

Health In Focus