Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Iron, Fe Rich Foods
Tip 1 : Eat the most perishable fruit first. Bananas only last a few days, while apples will stay crisp in the fridge for over a week.
Tip 2 : Need a snack? Try a whole-grain snack chip, such as baked tortilla chips.
Tip 3 : Cut-up fresh or canned fruit (canned in juice or water) makes a great waffle topping--you can skip the syrup and whipped cream.
Tip 4 : Vary your veggies. Try new vegetables and find recipes online. Why not try bok choy, artichokes, beets, or kale?
Tip 5 : Make hot sandwiches for supper, with roasted lean pork or beef topped with saut�ed onion and peppers. Top with reduced fat cheese and melt.
Tip 6 : When getting fast food, order salad as your main dish or substitute a side salad for fries--ask for dressing on the side.
Tip 7 : Shopping tip: Find specials and coupons in your local paper or online for discounts on fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables.
Tip 8 : Make fresh fruit snow cones using berries, pineapple, or other fruits. Check online for recipes.
Tip 9 : Choose fat-free or low-fat milk or yogurt more often than cheese. When selecting cheese, choose low-fat or reduced-fat versions.
Tip 10 : Greek yogurt makes a great substitute for sour cream--it is thick and rich tasting.