Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Low Fatty acids, total saturated Foods
Tip 1 : Cut-up fruit makes a great snack. Cut them yourself, or buy pre-cut packages of fruit pieces like pineapple or melon.
Tip 2 : Many grain foods contain both whole grains and refined grains. These can count towards getting your whole grains.
Tip 3 : For a fun snack--dip a frozen banana in low-fat yogurt and roll it in crushed cereal.
Tip 4 : Support your health and community by buying locally-grown vegetables. Try visiting a farmers market near you.
Tip 5 : Focus on Fruit! A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of many chronic diseases. Keep working towards your fruit goal!
Tip 6 : Visit My Reports to check out your dairy history chart and see how you've been doing with your dairy intake over time.
Tip 7 : Create some new seafood pasta dishes. Look on-line for easy recipes.
Tip 8 : While shopping, load up on packages of frozen vegetables. They cook in minutes with little preparation.
Tip 9 : Try low-fat ricotta instead of cottage cheese--it has more calcium and works great in many recipes that call for cottage cheese.
Tip 10 : If you order cappuccinos or lattes--ask for them with fat-free (skim) milk.