Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Low Lactose Foods
Tip 1 : Dairy foods provide calcium needed for bone growth and bone health throughout your life.
Tip 2 : Make more brown rice than you need and freeze the rest for when you make a soup or casserole.
Tip 3 : Milk and yogurt have more potassium and are lower in sodium than most cheese. Also, most milk is fortified with vitamin D.
Tip 4 : Choose 100% fruit juice when drinking juice, but eat whole or cut-up fruit more often.
Tip 5 : Make a mini pizza using a portabella mushroom for the crust. Top with tomato sauce, veggies, and low-fat mozzarella cheese, and broil.
Tip 6 : 1/2 cup of brown rice counts as 1 oz of whole grains. Use My Plan to see how many ounces of grains you need each day.
Tip 7 : Need a snack? Try a whole-grain snack chip, such as baked tortilla chips.
Tip 8 : Eat fruit as a between-meal snack instead of other high-Calorie foods.
Tip 9 : Bring a healthy option to a summer celebration. Offer hot, grilled fruit kabobs or cold and colorful cantaloupe and honeydew skewers.
Tip 10 : Watch for sales on canned and frozen vegetables. Check for low sodium options and stock up on your favorites.