Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Low Phenylalanine Foods
Tip 1 : Need a snack? Try a whole-grain snack chip, such as baked tortilla chips.
Tip 2 : When choosing a whole grain product don't be fooled by the product's advertising. Look for "whole grain" in the ingredients list.
Tip 3 : Cut the Calories but keep all the calcium--switch from whole (150 Calories) to low-fat (100 Calories) or fat-free (80 Calories) milk.
Tip 4 : Frozen juice bars (100% juice) count as fruit and make healthy alternatives to those that may contain a lot of added sugars.
Tip 5 : Make fruit kabobs using pineapple chunks, bananas, grapes, and berries. Use yogurt as a sauce for your fruity snack or side dish.
Tip 6 : Add fruit to your brunch for additional color and flavor: sliced fruit or berries make a great topping on low-fat yogurt.
Tip 7 : Visit My Reports to check out your Protein Foods history chart and see how you've been doing with your intake over time.
Tip 8 : A small amount of lean meat adds great flavor to dishes made with beans or whole grains. Try chicken chili or turkey barley soup.
Tip 9 : Add extra chopped vegetables (tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, or spinach) to store-bought pasta sauces. Simmer until vegetables are tender!
Tip 10 : Don�t run out of milk. Keep low-fat evaporated milk handy. Add it to scrambled eggs or your morning coffee.