Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Low Vitamin A, IU Foods
Tip 1 : Make your own watermelon ice-it's a nice refreshment on a hot day. Check online for recipes.
Tip 2 : For variety in your protein foods at breakfast, try hard cooked eggs, soy-based sausage, or peanut butter on toast.
Tip 3 : Love cheesy mashed potatoes? Look for low-fat cheese blends or part-skim ricotta--to whip into your creation.
Tip 4 : Mix together brown rice and white rice in equal proportions to make half your grains whole!
Tip 5 : Buy fresh, seasonal vegetables. They cost less and are more likely to be at their peak flavor.
Tip 6 : Stews can make a small amount of lean meat or chicken go a long way. Check online for recipes.
Tip 7 : Add extra chopped vegetables (tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, or spinach) to store-bought pasta sauces. Simmer until vegetables are tender!
Tip 8 : Rinse and rub veggies under running water so that dirt and microbes can't be transferred to the food when peeling and cutting.
Tip 9 : For dessert, have a baked apple or a pear, or browse online for another healthy fruit dessert idea.
Tip 10 : Fruit purees make colorful sauces. Simply crush fresh fruit like strawberries or ripe peaches and serve over waffles or angel food cake.