Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Maltose Rich Foods
Tip 1 : For a quick supper, simmer boneless skinless chicken breasts in tomato sauce with veggies and Italian seasonings. Serve over pasta.
Tip 2 : Eat fruit as a between-meal snack instead of other high-Calorie foods.
Tip 3 : Whole grains are good for your health! Make at least half your grains whole to get the benefits.
Tip 4 : Use thin-sliced lemons and lemon juice in soups, stews, salads and beverages.
Tip 5 : Cut the Calories but keep all the calcium--switch from whole (150 Calories) to low-fat (100 Calories) or fat-free (80 Calories) milk.
Tip 6 : Add vegetarian meat substitutes (like tempeh or tofu) to soups and stews to boost protein without adding saturated fat or cholesterol.
Tip 7 : Instead of eating a refined grain, switch it for a whole-grain food and look for one that is higher in fiber.
Tip 8 : Frozen juice bars (100% juice) count as fruit and make healthy alternatives to those that may contain a lot of added sugars.
Tip 9 : Look for lower sodium choices in the deli. Choose lean deli meats instead of higher fat sausages, hot dogs, bologna, or salami.
Tip 10 : For a breakfast that satisfies (and keeps you away from the mid-morning donuts)--add an egg.