Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Manganese, Mn Rich Foods
Tip 1 : Rinse and rub veggies under running water so that dirt and microbes can't be transferred to the food when peeling and cutting.
Tip 2 : Don�t want to eliminate all sweets? Try a drizzle of chocolate fudge sauce on a pear, banana, or berries..
Tip 3 : Popeye had it right--use spinach in a salad or to top off a sandwich. Try its cousins--kale and collards--in soups and side dishes.
Tip 4 : When storing raw seafood, meat, and poultry, place them below ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator.
Tip 5 : Pack 100% fruit juice for lunches versus soda or other sugar-sweetened beverages.
Tip 6 : Eat potatoes with the peel to get more nutrients like fiber, iron and potassium.
Tip 7 : Check the Nutrition Facts label found on many packaged meats to compare Calories, sodium, and saturated fat.
Tip 8 : For less cholesterol-replace some egg yolks with egg whites. Two egg whites = 1 whole egg.
Tip 9 : Need a snack? Have a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice and a few whole-wheat crackers to take away the hunger pangs.
Tip 10 : For lean protein food choices, select boneless skinless chicken breasts, turkey cutlets, lean beef or pork cuts, or seafood.