Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Nutrient Lookup » Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid Rich Foods
Tip 1 : Osteoporosis (thinning of bones) can be reduced by routinely eating low-fat or fat-free dairy food --at all ages and stages of life.
Tip 2 : Milk and yogurt have more potassium and are lower in sodium than most cheese. Also, most milk is fortified with vitamin D.
Tip 3 : Don't feel like cooking? When eating out, look for the vegetarian options on your menu as an easy way to meet your veggie goal.
Tip 4 : 1/2 cup of oatmeal counts as 1 oz of whole grains. Use My Plan to see how many ounces of grains you need each day.
Tip 5 : Every fruit counts: Fresh, dried, frozen, and canned (in water or 100% juice)! Pick the one that works for you.
Tip 6 : Keep dried fruits handy. Try dried apricots, bananas, apples, pineapple, cherries, figs, dates, or cranberries.
Tip 7 : Give your cooked vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus) a splash of lemon juice. This will keep them looking fresh and tasting great.
Tip 8 : 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal (such as flakes) counts as 1 oz of grains. Use My Plan to see how many ounces of grains you need each day.
Tip 9 : Serve sliced raw vegetables with a yogurt dip to take to a party.
Tip 10 : Include milk as a beverage at meals. Choose fat-free or low-fat milk for less saturated fat and Calories.