Total - 531 / Alphabet K - 17 | ||
S. No | Phobias | Description |
1 | Kainolophobia | Fear of novelty. |
2 | Kainophobia | Fear of anything new, novelty. |
| ||
3 | Kakorrhaphiophobia | Fear of failure or defeat. |
4 | Katagelophobia | Fear of ridicule. |
5 | Kathisophobia | Fear of sitting down. |
6 | Kenophobia | Fear of voids or empty spaces. |
7 | Keraunophobia | Fear of thunder and lightning. |
8 | Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia | Fear of movement or motion. |
9 | Kleptophobia | Fear of stealing. |
| ||
10 | Koinoniphobia | Fear of rooms. |
11 | Kolpophobia | Fear of genitals, particularly female. |
12 | Kopophobia | Fear of fatigue. |
13 | Koniophobia | Fear of dust. (Amathophobia) |
14 | Kosmikophobia | Fear of cosmic phenomenon. |
15 | Kymophobia | Fear of waves. |
16 | Kynophobia | Fear of rabies. |
17 | Kyphophobia | Fear of stooping. |
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I have a fear of stairs that do not have backs to them (that you can see through to underneith the stairs, such as those used in most apartments). I also have a large fear of escalators.