Total - 531 / Alphabet L - 17 | ||
S. No | Phobias | Description |
1 | Lachanophobia | Fear of vegetables. |
2 | Laliophobia or Lalophobia | Fear of speaking. |
| ||
3 | Leprophobia or Lepraphobia | Fear of leprosy. |
4 | Leukophobia | Fear of the color white. |
5 | Levophobia | Fear of things to the left side of the body. |
6 | Ligyrophobia | Fear of loud noises. |
7 | Lilapsophobia | Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes. |
8 | Limnophobia | Fear of lakes. |
9 | Linonophobia | Fear of string. |
| ||
10 | Liticaphobia | Fear of lawsuits. |
11 | Lockiophobia | Fear of childbirth. |
12 | Logizomechanophobia | Fear of computers. |
13 | Logophobia | Fear of words. |
14 | Luiphobia | Fear of lues, syphillis. |
15 | Lutraphobia | Fear of otters. |
16 | Lygophobia | Fear of darkness. |
17 | Lyssophobia | Fear of rabies or of becoming mad. |
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I have a fear of stairs that do not have backs to them (that you can see through to underneith the stairs, such as those used in most apartments). I also have a large fear of escalators.