Vishruta Suresh Biyani's Profile


Vishruta Suresh Biyani

Holding a masters in Sociology from Mumbai University, Vishruta went on to pursue a Diploma in Health (Nutrition and Dietetics). She has worked as a dietitian and nutritionist preparing diet plans for patients, conducting nutrition seminars and counseling members on weight management and medical view more..

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Top 7 Superfoods to Gain Weight In a Healthy Way

Top 7 Superfoods to Gain Weight In a Healthy Way

Superfoods are nutrient dense foods that energize and nourish the body, aiding in a healthy weight gain. Know more about the Superfoods to be included in your diet.

Diet Articles
Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

Diet to Prevent Colon Cancer

Diet and lifestyle play an important role in reducing the risk and delaying the onset of cancer. Incorporating and eliminating certain other foods may reduce the risk of acquiring colon cancer.

Health Benefits of Breadfruit

Health Benefits of Breadfruit

Breadfruit or Artocarpus altilis is quite similar to jackfruit, but ranks higher on nutrition. With an impressive array of health benefits, this exotic fruit is now being hailed as a wonder food. Breadfruit can end your cholesterol woes, constipation and skin problems with its natural nutrients.

Diet Articles
Health Benefits of Arrowroot

Health Benefits of Arrowroot

Arrowroot has an abundance of health benefits and many uses for skin, hair and pregnant women. The plant was named ‘Arrowroot’ because it was used to treat people with wounds from poisoned arrows in ancient times. Learn more about the virtues of this wondrous food.

Diet Articles
Fat Substitutes - Types and Safety Factors

Fat Substitutes - Types and Safety Factors

Fat is feared yet you need to eat it. Fat substitutes solve your fat dilemma by letting you eat fat without getting fat. Learn more about the benefits of consuming fat substitutes.

Diet Articles