Sneha Sadhwani Sewlani's Profile


Sneha Sadhwani Sewlani

Sneha is a Clinical Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes educator. She strongly believes that healthy diet and lifestyle modifications are the best ways to prevent and treat diseases. Her hobbies are reading, baking and listening to music.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top 7 Benefits of Using Fitness Apps

Top 7 Benefits of Using Fitness Apps

Mobile fitness apps have made fitness routines more accessible. These apps allow you to set goals and make lifestyle modifications too. Read the article to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of fitness apps.

Lifestyle Articles
Health Benefits of Astragalus - An Ancient Root

Health Benefits of Astragalus - An Ancient Root

Astragalus, a traditional Chinese herb has a number of health benefits, side effects and drug interactions. Read on to know how this herb can affect your body and overall health.

Diet Articles
Top 8 Things You Should Know About Tampons

Top 8 Things You Should Know About Tampons

Tampons are feminine hygiene products designed to absorb the menstrual flow during menstruation. They are easy and convenient to use, once you learn how to use them. Learn eight facts about tampons, before you start using them.

Lifestyle Articles
Healthy Snacks You Should Keep at Your Desk at Work

Healthy Snacks You Should Keep at Your Desk at Work

Snacking healthy foods during office hours can keep you fueled up because busy office hours can make things tough for the diet. Read on the article to know about 10 easy, healthy and hunger-curbing snack options.

Diet Articles
Top 4 Benefits of Honey For Hair Growth

Top 4 Benefits of Honey For Hair Growth

The market is filled with hair conditioners and hair masks, but honey may take your mane to another level. Read this article to know how you can stop hair fall with honey and boost hair growth.

Beauty Tips