Sneha Sadhwani Sewlani's Profile


Sneha Sadhwani Sewlani

Sneha is a Clinical Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes educator. She strongly believes that healthy diet and lifestyle modifications are the best ways to prevent and treat diseases. Her hobbies are reading, baking and listening to music.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Drinking hot water adds to the usual benefits of drinking water to improve the skin, digestive tract and joint health. View the slide show to learn the top 10 health benefits of hot water.

Slide Show
Top 14 Benefits of Magnesium Oil

Top 14 Benefits of Magnesium Oil

Magnesium oil benefits range from insomnia to blood pressure control. Learn how this oil can help in the treatment and management of various diseases and disorders and why it is more effective than magnesium supplements.

Lifestyle Articles
Top 10 Amazing Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Top 10 Amazing Benefits of Activated Charcoal

Interested in learning the health benefits of activated charcoal? Learn about how it helps from skin lightening to poison treatment how it saves your life from dangerous toxins and detoxifies your body inside out.

Lifestyle Articles
Top 10 Uses Of Trikatu For Good Health

Top 10 Uses Of Trikatu For Good Health

Trikatu is a classic Ayurvedic powder used to treat diseases and is a mixture of equal parts of long pepper, black pepper and dry ginger.

Diet Articles
Top 10 Health Benefits of Water Hyssop (Bacopa Monnieri)

Top 10 Health Benefits of Water Hyssop (Bacopa Monnieri)

Explore the various health advantages of Bacopa Monnieri. All parts of this medicinal herb can be used for therapeutic benefits.

Diet Articles