Adeline Dorcas's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil (Food Service Management & Dietetics)

Adeline Dorcas

Adeline Dorcas is an alumni of Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching and writing. She loves spending time with family and friends.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Neglecting Neglect: Just as Harmful to Children as Abuse

Neglecting Neglect: Just as Harmful to Children as Abuse

Do physical neglect and abuse impair social development in children? Childhood maltreatment leaves lasting scars, causing children to feel ashamed and disconnected.

Mental Health News
Longer Wait, Longer Life: Women Face Delays But Outlive Men After Lung Transplants

Longer Wait, Longer Life: Women Face Delays But Outlive Men After Lung Transplants

Lung Transplants: Women face delays and fewer opportunities, yet they survive longer than men after transplantation.

Organ Donation News
Stuck Between Two Generations: Sandwich Carers Under Pressure

Stuck Between Two Generations: Sandwich Carers Under Pressure

Caregiving two generations: Sandwich carers are caught in the middle, balancing the needs of children and aging parents while sacrificing their own health and well-being.

Mental Health News
AI Revolution: Predicting Autoimmune Disease Progression with Artificial Intelligence

AI Revolution: Predicting Autoimmune Disease Progression with Artificial Intelligence

New artificial intelligence (AI), the Genetic Progression Score (GPS), accurately predicts autoimmune disease progression, allowing for earlier diagnosis and tailored treatment.

Research News
Stay Active, Stay Alive: Exercise Today to Conquer Cancer Tomorrow

Stay Active, Stay Alive: Exercise Today to Conquer Cancer Tomorrow

Survive with Pre-Cancer Workouts: Daily exercise before a cancer diagnosis could be a key weapon against cancer progression and mortality.

Lifestyle and Wellness News